Posted on March 01, 2018 by Jessica Michael | 0 comments

Guest blog post is kindly written by Layla, Think Press

Our customers often talk about the complements they receive about their skin post cleanse, so we’ve put together some of the reasons why our fresh, cold pressed juices really do leave your skin glowing!

Diet – Although it’s important to take care of your skin on the outside by choosing the right skincare, we forget that what we chose to put inside our bodies is reflected in our skin. When our body can’t get rid of toxins and is not flowing properly, it forces out impurities in the skin. There are huge benefits from eating (and drinking!) clean water, fruits and vegetables, and our juices provide you with more nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants then you could ever manage to consume in one day.

Cold Pressed – We only use a hydraulic cold press to extract juice from fruit and vegetables with no added ingredients. We don’t use any HPP processing or pasteurisation methods so you get far more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients, far more than you could extract from a juicer at home.

Hydration – Some people find drinking the recommended daily amount of fluid a difficult task – at least 8 glasses a day. When you juice cleanse 5 x 500ml juices daily it gives your body the chance to flush out the body of any toxins which could lead to poorer skin. We also encourage people to drink other fluids during their cleanse like hot water with ginger and lemon which further intensifies the detox.

Dairy Free – Recently a dairy free diet has been become associated with clearing up skin, with numerous studies that have found links with between cow’s milk and skin troubles. There are many alternatives if you wanted to consider the switch, like the Cacao Cashew and Almond Mylks you can find in our cleanses.

A break from the norm – Juice cleansing allows our digestive systems to have a break from processing heavy proteins and fats and allows it to focus on absorbing the nutrients it needs to achieve and maintain optimum health and skin. Cutting out caffeine and alcohol will also help to reduce inflammation and puffiness. It breaks the cycle of craving processed foods and gives your body what it deserves, rebooting your health and hopefully persuading you to make some positive changes to your diet moving forward!

Get 10% OFF Think Press juice for the whole of March 2018! Just use the code "RAWGAIA10" at the checkout.

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