Going organic often comes with a misconception that products are overpriced or confusion over what the certification actually means.
The Soil Association are out to change that and for a few years now, have been dedicating the month of September to all things organic. They've been trying to raise awareness about why choosing organic is so important and to show that organic options can be accessible for everyone, regardless of lifestyle or location.
And although September is drawing to a close, there's still time for us to tell you a little bit about #OrganicSeptember, how Rawgaia has been getting involved and why you should too!
Soil Association state that the purpose of Organic September is 'to raise the profile of organic in the UK and shine a light on the amazing organic farmers, producers and brands who work hard to produce food as it should be.'
In addition to this, they are also trying to encourage people to start making small changes to their consumer habits as they learn about how beneficial switching to organic can be.
Even just making one small change to your buying habits is a step in the right direction as you enter the world of organic.
But why should we want to choose organic? For us at Rawgaia, it comes down to two main reasons.
The first is that the quality of the end product is highly superior.
To reach Soil Association certification standards, companies must work hard to source only the highest quality ingredients, must ensure that all steps of the manufacturing process adhere to strict criteria and consequently, the result is a truly organic (from start to finish) product that has been made with as little impact on the environment as possible.
Which brings us to the second reason...sustainability.
Choosing organic products is choosing to protect the earth around us just that little bit more as we commit to manufacturing processes with no harmful chemicals, as few travel miles as possible and sustainable ingredients.
It is of utmost importance that we look after the environment if we want future generations to be able to enjoy it, just as we have had the priviledge of being able to.
For these reasons, #OrganicSeptember has caught the hearts of many organic companies, both big and small. Abel and Cole, Good Energy, Riverford, Garden Organic and TOTM are just a few of the organisations that Rawgaia is proud to stand alongside this month.
In fact, we are so passionate about the cause that we are pleased to announce that we have teemed up with TOTM (Time Of The Month) for an exciting giveaway.
And whilst you may not feel ready to switch to a completely organic lifestyle, maybe you could dip your toe in by signing up for an organic veg box, choosing organic teabags over the alternative or by ditching the chemical filled skincare products for some quality superfood skincare with no added nasties.
As you start looking for that familiar Soil Association logo you'll be surprised by how many products are around that you can switch to. So why not get involved with #OrganicSeptember this month and see what changes you can make.
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