Posted on August 17, 2015 by Jessica Michael | 0 comments


We don’t use any wax to set our raw, organic, superfood moisturisers because we are passionate about manufacturing raw products that can be fully absorbed by the skin. These products are therefore set in COSMOS Organic Raw Cacao Butter, and because of it's low melting point we are able to hand blend our products without applying any heat. This keeps them in their natural, raw (cold pressed) state, but can also mean they melt easily if left in a warm environment or in direct sunlight.

The good news is that because we don’t use plant wax in the moisturisers or any other ingredient that interferes with the compound structure of ingredients, once they have melted and reset there is no difference in nutritional state; nothing has been altered or lost.

The special jars that we produce the creams in also have a cooling effect on the raw skincare product. Therefore the temperature on the inside of the jar is significantly cooler than on the outside. 

If one of our raw moisturisers melts it may do so in stages. The first stage being the appearance of objects floating in the cream. This is in fact just parts of the cream melting whilst other parts are still solid. It may then start to set again, but with a slightly lump texture.

What can you do if your raw superfood skincare moisturiser melts?

If your raw cream has started to melt, please firstly remember that it's nutritional quality has not been affected.

We recommend that you melt the cream completely in the warmth of the sun, then stir the cream well with a chop stick or teaspoon. You can then put the cream in your refrigerator to set. When it has set It may not appear exactly the same as before, but the performance of the cream will be exactly the same.

What can you do if you are going to a hot country?

We have many customers that are from hot countries and still love our raw, organic, superfood moisturisers. They either accept the fact that are going to melt and either use them in liquid form or keep them in the fridge.

If you want a raw, organic, superfood moisturiser that is guaranteed not to melt then we recommend our Hemp Glow Serum.



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