How do you find organic superfood skincare that fits with your ethical stance?

Posted on September 13, 2016 by Jessica Michael | 0 comments


Today I've had the pleasure of talking to Jo, a busy Mum of two and counsellor in training from Brighton. She's been using Raw Gaia superfood skincare products for the last year and agreed to give up some of her busy time in order to talk a little about how she's found it.


 So why did you make the switch to Raw Gaia products?

 Having read about the harmful chemicals that are laden in high street products, I wanted to find a skincare company that was not only natural but fitted with my ethical stance. Raw Gaia is organic, cruelty free, vegan and nearly all their packaging is recyclable which makes it pretty close to zero waste. And I was hooked once I’d smelt the Organic Hemp Heaven Glow Spray

 How have you found them compared to the products you used to use?

Amazing! The MSM Beauty range smells divine and my skin literally soaks it up, as if I’ve been starving it! I find a little of the product goes a long way, unlike branded counterparts which I found I had to use loads of. I think that’s simply down to how nourishing it is to my skin as I quench it’s thirst! I’ve also had no reactions to ingredients as they’re all natural.

 How do you find your skin reacts to using superfoods on it?

Positively glowing. My skin is so much clearer and fresher looking that I can now wear less make-up as I don’t have to hide blemishes or dry skin patches as they simply aren’t there anymore!

 Which Raw Gaia product do you use the most?

Hmmm…it’s a bit of a draw. I use the Organic Skin Divinity Cleansing Spray, MSM Organic Beauty Toner and Organic Hemp Heaven Moisturiser most days! I find I don’t need to use them all everyday though which is an added bonus as I am juggling being a busy Mum of two, work and study! In summer, I love a good spritz of the Organic Hemp Heaven Glow Spray as it leaves my legs looking silky especially if the weather's been nice and I’ve been in the sun.

Finally, you're obviously a bit of a convert but what is your absolute favourite thing about Raw Gaia?

Jessica! Her passion for Raw Gaia has meant she’s created products and customer service which are simply awesome, and that means a lot in a world where it feels like we’ve lost a connection to nature and small businesses.





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