Posted on September 06, 2016 by Jessica Michael | 0 comments


So the big question is; are there consistent principles regarding superfood skincare? Currently, there is no governing body specifically for superfood skincare, so I'm going to tell you a bit about what we do here at Rawgaia.

Although there are no official guidelines, we have adopted two main benchmark principles when it comes to superfood skincare that we feel are absolutely essential in order to create the cleanest, most nurturing skincare products that we possibly can.

The first of these is that, wherever possible, we will only use certified organic superfood ingredients. Although not possible with a small minority of them, for the most part we go above and beyond to source certified organic ingredients for our products.

The reason for this is simple, science has shown us what common sense dictates, that organic produce is better for you and your body than the non organic alternatives. In 2014, scientists published research 'based on analysis of 343 peer-reviewed studies from around the world' that concluded that 'organic food has more of the anti-oxidant compounds linked to better health than regular food, and lower levels of toxic metals and pesticides'. (1)

As well as having a positive impact on our health, organic farming is also the environmentally friendly choice as it 'typically build(s) healthier soils, produce(s) less pollution, and protect(s) ecosystems better than conventional cultivation methods.' (2)

The second of our principles is that we strive to use as high percentage botanicals as possible. We purchase cold pressed oils and make our own infusions and macerates in-house to make sure that the superfoods we are using have even more nutrients for nurturing and loving your skin.

By doing our own infusions, we are able to know exactly what is going into our products and are able to be even more in touch with the process of production. By botanicals we are referring to oils that have been infused 'with the properties of one or more herbs'.

They are already known for being 'great massage oils and...the basis for healing salves' but we've taken this concept one step further by applying it to our superfood skincare products to maximise the beneficial properties that your skin receives from them (3).

Both of these principles support our goal at Rawgaia of keeping things as natural as possible. We believe that we are creating food for the skin and we want to feed it as many nutrients, enzymes, antioxidants and plant acids as possible.

Our benchmark principles help us to go back to basics with our superfood skincare products and enable us to create a high quality, clean product that is as natural as possible and will truly nurture, nourish and love your skin. 






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