With all this glorious sunshine, I think it is safe to say that the summer is definitely here and whether you're flying abroad to some beautiful exotic locale or simply driving to some of the more picturesque areas of England, a lot of you will soon be heading off on holiday for a break from reality and some well needed downtime.
But whilst you might have spent hours choosing which books you want to read by the beach or searching out the perfect new bikini, have you given much consideration to what skincare products you're going to take?
If you're flying especially, this does need a little pre-planning due to the restrictions on carrying liquids (if you plan to taken them with you as hand luggage.) Luckily, we're here today to tell you what our favourite travel skincare products are, here at Rawgaia!
We mentioned it last week in our post about festivals but on our absolute must-have for travelling is an aloe based product such as our Organic Aloe Vera Gel. Aloe Vera leaves hold a wonderful gel made up of an array of mineral compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and lastly, Vitamins A, B, C and E.' (1)
This high aloe water content makes it an incredibly absorbent product to use, cooling on the skin and with all the added proteins and vitamins, highly beneficial for skin cell growth and repair. Aloe is probably best known for it's use as an effective aftersun product, amazing at cooling and moisturising hot dry skin that has seen just a little too much sun during the day.
Although still ongoing, 'Initial research has shown aloe vera aids the skin in healing from sunburns and mild burns. In addition, aloe vera oil can moisturise the skin, helping you avoid the peeling normally associated with sun damage.' (2)
Often when you're sitting outside on a hot day, even if you're in the shade, you find yourself feeling sticky, a little sweaty and generally uncomfortable.
Luckily, our range of toners are perfect to use as a cooling spray whilst on holiday and have the added benefit of being under 100ml so ideal for popping into your hang luggage bag whilst flying.
We have three gorgeous toner sprays to choose from but our Organic Hemp Glow Mist in particular is a great hydra-toner that will also moisturise your skin as well as cooling you down. Our customers in particular love this one with Jo, a busy working Mum from Brighton saying 'I love a good spritz of the Organic Hemp Glow Mist as it leaves my legs looking silky especially if the weather's been nice and I’ve been in the sun.' (3).
Finally, here at Rawgaia, we think your travel bag isn't complete unless you've popped in a moisturiser of some sort. When on holiday, you tend to spend more time outside and often find yourself forgetting to drink enough water or stay in the shade.
As a result, you might see your skin being drier than normal whilst you're away. Luckily, a good quality raw moisturiser used just before you go to bed will help your skin rehydrate and repair itself while you sleep. Our 'trial size' pots are perfect for holiday as at only 10 or 15ml depending on which you choose, they are flight friendly!
So have a great holiday wherever you find yourself this summer and don't forget to give your skin a thought as you soak up the rays and enjoy some precious R+R and a break from the day-to-day grind of normal life.
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